ºù«ÍÞapp Borough Council examination documents

During the Local Plan examination, any additional or updated correspondence or documents that we publish as part of the examination, that have been authorised or requested by the Planning Inspectors, will be published below.

The Local Plan examination library will be kept up-to-date to incorporate all examination documents, in addition to those submitted alongside the Local Plan for its independent examination.

Examination documents

CBC/SoCG/15b Department for Transport Circular 1-2022 Local Plan consistency checklist

CBC/KD/DtC/01c: Duty to Cooperate Statement Appendix K - responses from prescribed bodies to ºù«ÍÞapp Borough Council's duty to cooperate correspondence, April 2023, updated September 2023 

CBC/KD/CS/01k: ºù«ÍÞapp borough consultation statement – ºù«ÍÞapp Borough Council’s officer responses to the formal public consultation representation summaries, September 2023

CBC/KD/CS/01a: ºù«ÍÞapp borough consultation statement main report, July 2023, incorporating amendments September 2023

CBC/01: ºù«ÍÞapp Borough Council’s response to the inspectors’ initial note, September 2023