Duty to cooperate agreements Northern West Sussex Position Statement (PDF, 117.54 KB) Horsham District Council and Coast to Capital LEP Authorities Report (PDF, 1.39 MB) RBBC and CBC Statement of Common Ground - Strategic Housing (PDF, 141.25 KB) RBBC and CBC Statement of Common Ground - Duty to Cooperate (PDF, 263.42 KB) Brighton and Hove City Council: Provision of Housing- A Statement of Common Ground (PDF, 105.93 KB) Lewes Duty to Cooperate: Cross Boundary Working and Meeting Housing Needs (PDF, 992.35 KB) Gatwick Airport Memorandum of Understanding (PDF, 1.07 MB) Statement of Common Ground between ºù«ÍÞapp Borough Council and Reigate and (PDF, 374.39 KB) Northern West Sussex Position Statement Update (PDF, 367.31 KB) Updated North West Sussex Authorities Position Statement (March 2015) (PDF, 369.99 KB)