Environment chapter evidence Decentralised Energy Study (PDF, 5.18 MB) Planning and Climate Change Report (PDF, 3.3 MB) A review of local planning policies addressing climate change 2009 (PDF, 759.4 KB) Carbon Waste Reduction Strategy (PDF, 467.4 KB) Corporate Climate Change Strategy (PDF, 191.67 KB) Site Allocation Consultation Water Cycle Study (PDF, 3 MB) Outline Water Cycle Study 2011 (PDF, 2.35 MB) CBC Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (PDF, 318.36 KB) Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2013 to 2018 (PDF, 3.55 MB) Water People Places (PDF, 10.48 MB) Planning Noise Advice Document (PDF, 1.02 MB) Gatwick Sub-Regional Water Cycle Study (PDF, 825.19 KB) Air Quality and Emissions Mitigation Guidance for Sussex (PDF, 787.49 KB) Air Quality and Emissions Mitigation Guidance for Sussex - Appendices (PDF, 811.97 KB) Air Quality Progress Report 2008 (PDF, 889.09 KB) Air Quality Review 2007 (PDF, 6.5 MB) Local Plan Green Infrastructure Map High Res (PDF, 13.51 MB) LP112 - South East Green Infrastructure Framework (PDF, 4.06 MB) SNCI and Wildlife SItes Review (PDF, 1011.65 KB) Habitat Action Plan for Susex - Woodland (PDF, 2.26 MB) Habitat Action Plan for Susex - Urban (PDF, 166.41 KB) ºù«ÍÞapp 2029 Open Space Study (PDF, 7.57 MB) ºù«ÍÞapp 2029 Playing Pitch Study (PDF, 1.43 MB) ºù«ÍÞapp PPG17 Open Space_ Sport and Recreation Report (PDF, 2.63 MB) ºù«ÍÞapp PPG17 Appendices 2008 (PDF, 422.06 KB) Playing Pitch Strategy (PDF, 2.03 MB) Playing Field Site Scoring Criteria (PDF, 219.82 KB) Playing Field Score (PDF, 369.56 KB) Pitch Usage Capacity Using 2010 Bookings (PDF, 69.05 KB) Airports Commission Discussion Paper 05 Aviation Noise (PDF, 1.67 MB) Environmental Noise and Health in the UK 2010 HPA (PDF, 1.24 MB) LP146 Report to Secretary of State - Communities and Local Gov. NE Sector 2009 (PDF, 871.32 KB) Delivering Sustainable Drainage Systems (September 2014) (PDF, 405.04 KB) Written Statement Matter 5 Issue 2 (PDF, 501.2 KB) Written Statement Matter 5 Issue 2 Appendices (PDF, 3.15 MB) Joint Statement between CBC_ EA and WSCC on PPG changes to SUDS (PDF, 612.39 KB)