Key documents ºù«ÍÞapp Submission Local Plan 2014 (PDF, 8.74 MB) ºù«ÍÞapp Submission Modifications Draft Local Plan 2014 (PDF, 5.77 MB) Submission Local Plan Mods Marked Up Consultation June 2015 version (PDF, 3.05 MB) Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Draft Local Plan (PDF, 253.95 KB) Schedule of Proposed Minor Modifications to the Draft Local Plan (PDF, 370.98 KB) LP001f Schedule of Proposed Modifications June 2015 (PDF, 749.46 KB) Local Plan Map (PDF, 3.81 MB) LP001d Schedule of Further Proposed Modifications February 2015 (PDF, 215.43 KB) LP001e Schedule of Examination Proposed Modifications April v3 (PDF, 557.75 KB) ºù«ÍÞapp Submission Local Plan Map Proposed Main Modifications (PDF, 14.94 MB) Mods Local Plan Map (PDF, 4.79 MB) Local Plan Submission Notice of Consultation (PDF, 60.19 KB) Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal 2014 (PDF, 4.05 MB) LP003a Sustainability Report Mods Consultation June 2015 (PDF, 2.54 MB) Site Allocation Consultation Statement (PDF, 893.89 KB) ºù«ÍÞapp 2030 Consultation Statement Appendix 1 (PDF, 1.03 MB) ºù«ÍÞapp 2030 Consultation Statement Appendix 2 (PDF, 1.32 MB) ºù«ÍÞapp 2030 Consultation Statement Appendix 3 (PDF, 2.04 MB) ºù«ÍÞapp 2030 Consultation Statement Appendix 4 (PDF, 5.32 MB) ºù«ÍÞapp 2030 Consultation Statement Appendix 5 (PDF, 2.66 MB) ºù«ÍÞapp 2030 Consultation Statement Appendix 6 (PDF, 1.84 MB) Local Plan Modifications Consultation Statement August 2015 (PDF, 681.11 KB) LP004a Appendix 7 Modifications Consultation: Communications and Advertising (PDF, 795.05 KB) LP004a Appendix 8 Modifications Consultation: Representations Received (PDF, 1.25 MB) Local Plan Infrastructure Plan 2015-2030 (PDF, 471.06 KB) Local Plan 2015-2030 Duty to Cooperate Statement (PDF, 3.53 MB) Housing Implementation Strategy Local Plan (PDF, 631.52 KB) Site Allocation Consultation Viability Assessment (PDF, 1.36 MB) CIL_ SHLAA and Affordable Housing Viability Assessment (PDF, 558.15 KB) LP008c ºù«ÍÞapp Whole Plan and CIL Viability Assessment April 15 (PDF, 1.3 MB) Appendix 1 - HEB Valuation Update April 2015 (PDF, 229.16 KB) Appendix 2 - Gleeds Cost Report Update April 15 (PDF, 74.15 KB) Individual Viability Assessments (PDF, 11.09 MB) Cost Analysis Meeting the Zero Carbon Standard (PDF, 3.47 MB) Appeal Decision Land Adj to 52 South Road (PDF, 103.88 KB) Appeal Decision Holsworthy Showground (PDF, 102.67 KB) CIL Worthing Inspectors Report (PDF, 134.64 KB) DAT_user_guide_v4 (PDF, 516.79 KB) ºù«ÍÞapp Submission Local Plan Habitat Regulations Screening Report (2013) (PDF, 425.9 KB) Local Plan Monitoring and Implementation February 2015 (PDF, 654.54 KB) Written Statement Matter 1 (PDF, 499.65 KB) Written Statement Matter 1 Appendices (PDF, 3.73 MB) Written Statement Matter 2 (PDF, 620.57 KB)